HCBS Client Openings
Below are our current needs for HCBS clients in need of a provider. Feel free to inquire with rebecca@fosteringhope.net if you are interested in providing HCBS care to our clients.
Client Shift Openings
Client #0006
Assignment Description: The Caregiver will take the Member out into the community to go bowling, shopping or other preferred activities that keep her busy. The Member thrives on routine, so planning ahead of the shift with the family is best. The family does not want the Caregiver to do any work in the family home, just outings. Transport is REQUIRED.
Client #0007
Male / age: 44/ Area: New River, AZ
Shift: 4 days per week (Flexible to Negotiate with Caregiver) -- SUNDAY (Flexibility longer shift)
Assignment Description: Caregiver would take the Member out into the community to do activities, such as: bowling, shopping, arcade games, trampoline parks, parks, etc. The Member likes to exercise and be active. Caregiver can plan with the Member to do activities a week ahead of time. Caregiver may choose to work on Habilitation goals regarding meal preparation, creating shopping lists and more. Transport is REQUIRED.
Client #0008
Female / age: 3/ cross streets: i-17 & Norterra Parkway
Shift: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 02:00PM- 08:30PM [Respite Only]
Assignment Description: The caregiver will maintain close supervision on the Member at all times to ensure her safety and to make sure she doesn’t get into things that she shouldn’t have access to. The Member enjoys walking around the room she is in and climbing on furniture while music or television is playing in the background. If the Member is climbing on something be sure to keep her safe from falling. The Caregiver will try interacting with the Member when appropriate, but at her current stage the Member is not likely to reciprocate. Caregiver Prepare simple meals and drinks during the shift.
Client #0009
Male / age: 14/ cross streets: 67th Ave & Northern Ave
Shift: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 03:00PM- 08:00PM (Some flexibility)
Assignment Description: Caregiver will provide general supervision and interaction to the Member to ensure his safety and to keep him from doing prohibited activities. Caregiver will make simple snacks and meals when the Member is hungry. The Member has issues with his diet and the Guardian would like the Caregiver to keep track of what he eats during the shift, so that she can supplement any of his dietary needs through his G0tube set up. Caregiver will not assist with G-Tube.
Client #0010
Male / age: 5 / cross streets: 101 & Peoria Ave
Shift: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10:00AM- 09:00PM (Flexible Start & End Times Up to 11 hours per week)
Assignment Description: Caregiver would simply engage with the Member in play and supervise him to keep him safe. Member is very easy going. Guardian will typically be at home, so any personal care needs will be handled by family. Caregiver can assist with getting the Member approved drinks or snacks. The home has a park nearby, as well as play equipment in the backyard to keep the Member occupied.
Client #0011
Male / age: 6 / cross streets: 92nd Lane & Lake Pleasant Parkway
Shift: MONDAY- FRIDAY 06:00AM- 09:00AM -- SATURDAY 09:00AM- 09:00PM (Flexible Start/End Times)
Assignment Description: Caregiver will assist the Member with his morning routine during the week (getting dressed, eating breakfast, pack lunch and transport Member to ABA Therapy). Caregiver will engage in play and supervision when not working Habilitation goals. Member will need assistance with wiping himself and changing if he has any accidents.